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A member registered Oct 18, 2020

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Furi 400

Alch 200+

Knight 200+

I assure you that I understand the game more than you.

e por acaso no pelego alguém usa cura em área pra curar os inimigos também? seria a mesma coisa com o Buff.

Funcionaria assim como a cura em área, curando todo mundo na área, é meio óbvio, mas ao invés disso, todos na área de efeito da habilidade seriam buffados com mana e vida e/ou mana OU vida.

Cara, sinceramente, qual o sentido dessa "nova magia" ser exatamente igual os buffs antigos do alquemista?

Agora além de você buffar seu time, terá que usar outro buff em si mesmo, pra ter exatamente mesmo resultado de antes do nerf dos buffs, Mais trabalho pra buffar, mais dinheiro comprando skill(que já são muito caras atualmente) e tudo isso, pra ter o mesmo benefício que antigamente, sério?.

Minha sugestão é: Rework na habilidade atual de buffs do alquemista que buffa a si próprio e os aliados, para essa "nova magia" de buff único, deixando de ser um buff em grupo e se tornando um buff único ++++ a adição de uma magia de buff em área.


>>>>Buff atual: Buffa a si mesmo e os aliados

>>>>Buff pós rework: Buffa só a si mesmo

>>>>"Nova magia" de buff único proposta pela staff passaria a ser um buff em área, tanto de mana quanto de vida(2 magias diferentes ou um único buff que dê mana e vida) afetando somente os aliados, numa área igual a magia "Cura em área"(exura Gran mas res).

Ao meu ver, não faz sentido o alquemista ter mais gastos comprando magias, mais trabalho para buffar aliados e a si mesmo, e mais e mais hotkey's para ter exatamente o mesmo resultado de 1 mês atrás.


De fato, a parte de ficar incapacitado de usar teleporte porque um monstro está em outro "cômodo" é totalmente "??????".

Os status(buffs e debuffs) na parte superior esquerda, são simplesmente horríveis, e a staff não escuta a opinião dos jogadores, NINGUÉM gostou dessa mudança além dos desenvolvedores que falaram basicamente: "Não gostava dos buffs organizados no centro/baixo da tela, vou colocar onde eu quiser e foda** a opinião de quem banca o jogo". Mesmo VÁRIOS jogadores reclamarem disso diariamente, eles simplesmente não escutam.

You are always against all opinions, grow up.

Fair? Alchemist level 400+ with 800+ magic, buffing 500 mana every 4 seconds

while Mages heal 600+ mana PER SECOND, that is, in 4 seconds, 2400+ mana, do you think that's fair? or was your brain nerfed too?

"bUT yOU nEEd tO hEAl" ITS 300 fricking HP you can heal 1000+ with a single potion or heal spell.

You are just too ignorant to see the imbalance in it.

I totally agree, the wizard's ability is IMORAL because it is unbalanced, magicians keep spamming AoE damage spell and having their mana recovered every 1 second, a magician heals 600- 700+ mana in exchange for 300 life, TOTALY INSANE.

Also walking meditation would be great, or just increase the strength of the alchemist's buffs




My suggestion would be to increase the level to enter, from 250 to 280-290, leave the Void mob much stronger, or reduce the experience gained

Vim dar a sugestão pra nova magia de "sacrifício" do mago que troca vida por mana, ser reformulada.

A sugestão é que seja trocado o ganho de mana por um ganho de % de magia

Ao utilizar a magia Sacrifício, uma grande quantidade de vida seria consumida, (em torno de 740 de vida)para ganhar algo entre 30-50% de magia(isso no último level da habilidade).

Concordo, luvas e cajados deveriam ter o bônus de magia

banshees, condemnation, grue, cursed girl, abyssal cultist, abyssal entity, and many others

I would like to leave my suggestion for the rework of legendary items

ALL, I repeat ALL legendary items should have a bonus status.

What do you mean Toco?

Just like the clan shield item for example, which gives you -5 speed, legendary items would give you a positive (or negative) status.

But why?

A clear example is the Void Boot, a legendary level 300 item that is practically useless, since a mystical boot or a boots of haste is 1000x better than the 30-50 defense offered by the same(which by the way makes no difference to the tank.

Why are the mystical and speed boots better than a level 300 item? you must be wondering, and I tell you why: STATUS BONUS

Each item class should have a bonus status. for example: legendary boots would give you 1-20% chance of blocking an magical attack.

Below Bonus Suggestion for each item class:

Legendary boots: chance to block magic, with a percentage (equivalent to the item's level and difficulty)

Legendary Tunic: magic resistance (since it is only used by wizards and alchemists who are classes in the rear, most often taking only magic AoE attacks)

Legendary Amulet: this is one of my favorites, chance to remove a user debuff every 4-8 seconds(realize that a buff would not be removed every 4-8 seconds but a certain chance of removing them), you would equip it and have something like a 5-15% chance of removing a negative buff of the player.

Legendary rings: my second favorite, when equipping guarantees 5-15%(based on the item's level and difficulty) armor penetration.

Legendary armor: guarantees a percentage of blocking physical attacks (nothing more fair since it is used by those on the front line)

Legendary Swords/Axes/Bows:a certain percentage of attack speed, increased damage, physical defense,depending on the class of equipment.

Legendary staffs and gloves: a certain percentage of magic penetration(just because they are classes totally dependent of magic damage)

Legendary helmets: I haven't thought of any use yet, but something like bonus  physical defense / magic would be interesting.

I commented on this new system with some friends and they were very positive about it, I hope the staff thinks the same :) 

Hello, during my more than 3 months playing Kakele I noticed a problem that bothers me a little.

It turns out that the ENTIRE game is based on buffs, what buffs would it be?

Magic buff and Physical buff, both for players and monsters.

It turns out that 90% of the monsters are practically the same thing, only changing their damage / health, since most have the same buffs of physical and magical resistance.

This is very annoying, if you are going to hunt a dragon for example it uses 6 different types of buff, if you don't have an alchemist it becomes impracticable to hunt there.

The same for players, if the tank does not use all of its buffs it becomes practically useless, since the game is based on "Buff" and not on the base armor of monsters and players.

In my view this system should be revised as soon as possible, several people have been complaining about it and this is discouraging.

Positive point in this change:

It would open up a range of possibilities for players, imagine an Alchemist using 2-3 parts on the set forged with defense to do a solo hunt (which is currently impossible since you are literally blown up by anything if not using mana shield)

This is also reflected in the items, since for Tanks for example, a void boot, a level 300 legendary item is practically useless, since the mystical boot is 100000x better, and even the boots of haste. >NO ONE< would trade mana and life regeneration or+10 speed for 30-40 armor which LITERALLY makes no difference to tanks much less for other classes.

Reinforcing my point of view, the game should be modeled around the base status of players and monsters, and not in buffs, it is very, very, very sad to go hunting for anything and EVERYTHING has a buff of physical and magic resistance, when it is not that, the monster buffs himself with 3889 diferent buffs and also removes all of the players buffs... REALLY?....

Add the name of the player's guild to the global ranking in the site, not much to say, thats all.

Bruh, wtf? Just, wtf???

Sugestões boas, mas errou o jogo. 300% de ataque no guerreiro? vai bater mais de 2k fácil em qualquer monstro, totalmente inviável.

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Ola, recentemente comprei o efeito de luz rosa para o meu personagem, e notei que esse feito só funciona quando eu estou sozinho.

Quando sozinho ou em alguma caverna escura, consigo realmente ver o efeito rosa, mas quando se tem uma única pessoa junto de você, esse efeito é ofuscado pela luz branca padrão dos jogadores(mesmo que eles joguem com os efeitos de luz desligado)

>>Minha sugestão é que os efeitos de luz comprados por Kakele coins se sobressaiam e se destaquem caso algum jogador esteja por perto(apenas se o jogador usar o efeito de luz, mesmo que seja a cor padrão)

Não é justo um efeito de luz COMPRADO ser pior do que um efeito padrão de uma pessoa que joga com os efeitos de luz desligado.

Espero que essa mudança seja implementada, acredito que será um benefício para todos aqueles que compraram os efeitos.

upei um alquimista pro 120 em 2 dias👍

Querem destruir o Furioso de qualquer jeito, antes da atualização tinha 2-3 Furiosos no servidor PvE, agora várias pessoas jogam com  a classe, e por causa de um desempenho a mais no PvP querem destruir totalmente a classe no PvP e no PvE (que por sinal é a classe mas difícil de se jogar e upar, e quem discorda é porque se quer jogou de furioso ou viu um em ação).

Na minha opinião, a única boa foi a do escudo do Alquimista, que faz muito mais sentido e é muito melhor do que uma skill de reviver

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Bom, acabei de ler sobre as novas magias do Furioso, e vi que a magia Enfurecer não vai ser tão "forte" como é agora, e vi também que o Guerreiro vai ganhar uma magia similar ao Enfurecer, nesse caso, proponho  a exclusão da magia Enfurecer (já que furioso é uma classe de dano físico, assim como o Bruno disse) e a sua substituição por uma magia nova.

Que magia seria essa? Bem, seria um dano físico "Splash" com uma área de 2sqm funcionaria assim: 

"Ricochetear" Cada dano de ataque básico bem sucedido ao inimigo, é transferido a outros inimigos em um raio de 2 sqm. exemplo: se você acerta um monstro e em um raio de 2 quadrados de distância possue mais 5 mobs, 6 monstros seriam acertados no total. Assim quando acertado um hit em um monstro, esse hit seria transferido aos demais inimigos perto dele.

Ao meu ver, não vai fazer sentido usar o Enfurecer, já que vai passar por um nerf, dando menos dano, e curando menos ainda.


Well, I just read about Furioso's new spells, and I saw that the Enrage spell will not be as "strong" as it is now, and I also saw that the Warrior will gain a spell similar to Enrage, in this case, I propose the exclusion/rework Enrage (since furious is a physical damage class, just like Bruno said) and its replacement with a new spell.

 What magic would that be? 

>>>Well, it would be a physical damage "Splash" with an area of 2sqm.

 would work like this: "Ricochet" Each successful basic attack damage to the enemy is transferred to other enemies within 2 sqm. example: if you hit a monster and within 2 squares of distance you have 5 more mobs, 6 monsters would be hit in total. So when you hit a hit on a monster, that hit would be transferred to other enemies near it.

 In my view, it won't make sense to use Enrage, as it will go through a nerf, doing less damage, and healing even less.

Rework the Furious and transform in into a Vampire😂

Petição para mudarem a magia de alquimista de "ressuscitar" para uma magia que garante imunidade a ataques.

The suggestion is simple: increase the size of the backpack, there's not much to say about it, it's just too small, even for Premium players.

It would be possible to be bought by Gold (a marketable item, like an "extra pocket") or even purchased at the store by kakele coin.

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Please renew the need to unequip the shield / book and / or one handed weapon in order to equip the two-handed weapon.

example: I leave the two-handed weapon, one-handed weapon (pick etc) and shield in the hotkey bar, if I equip the shield and the 1h weapon and then click to equip the 2h weapon, it just doesn't work, I have to open the equipment, unequip the shield or weapon, and then equip the 2h weapon(it is very boring to do this process several times).

If you're complaining about the hunter's damage (which is the biggest single target in the game by the way), try playing Furious, a melee class that has 80% of its damage ignored by enemies👍.

I've been hitting this key several times, Furious and Hunter deserve an armor piercing skill (greater for Furious, the hunter's damage is MUCH higher so it then it would be fair for this skill to be weaker)

thanks again, I think all I can do is wait . * sniff *

Hello, first I would like to say that I do not play with either class (Mage and Warrior, i play as a 300+ Furious) but I have some experience in the game and I think I am able to suggest.

Warrior: The first thing that "bothers me" is that Warrior is the easiest class to play (not that this is a problem), my suggestion is simple and short:

>>>Transform the Perfect Armor in a temporary skill. 

How? Just like the Furious Bleeding skill, which lasts 5 seconds and can be used while running.

Why anyone suggestion? Currently the warrior's only job is to stop at a point X, and stay there like a statue taking 0 physical damage (worrying only about hunts with magic damage like dragons, angels, voids, etc.), with this change, it would bring a little mechanics to the warrior and freedom in certain places.

This is how the new skill would work

 >>>Perfect armor 2.0: guarantees an increase in physical defense for 7-8 seconds and can be used while walking.


Mage: The biggest problem of the class today, lack of mana.

How could this be resolved? simple, following the same scheme as the "new" skill of the warrior, the Meditation spell would be used when walking.

This is how the skill would look:

>>> Meditation, increases mana regeneration for 30 seconds and you can use it when you walk

Important note  meditation 2.0 would have a higher power than the old one that is 15x regeneration.(this new spell would have the double regeneration, for example)

Ps: a little bit of damage to mage explosion would be good too ;)

Anyway, these are my suggestions, please give your feedback :)

Yes the damage was "reduced", and the warrior's only weakness (magic)they still wants more magic resistance for the class (20% is good enough)

Amigo, Guerreiro é uma classe PvE, feita justamente para ter essa fraqueza mágica, se adicionada, vai tornar ele imortal, deleta logo o furioso e passa os buffs mágico pro guerreiro 👍

Hi I'm a Furious level 303, with 1409 physical attack. 

I came to give my suggestions for the new skills, and also to explain the current situation of Furious.

 (If you don't want to read everything, skip to the Suggestion part)

 First thing, I don’t feel that Furious lives up to his name, he looks more like a "sprinter" with little attack, he’s more like an “Accelerated”

 Second thing, which is part of the first point mentioned above, I keep doing 200-400 hits on mobs (Void, Angels, Devils, Dragons) the only time I guarantee a strong hit (900+) is on weak mobs like horses, frogs, etc. (note that I have more than 1400 attack). 

This inconstancy of hit is disheartening, hunters for example, guarantee 80% of the hit in 100% of the attacks, while Furious give about 20-30% (yes the speed attack is good, but the total damage does not equal a hunter by example), and in my opinion an Axe in the head does more damage than an arrow ;)

Third point, Furious does not use mana (the proposal for a new unique mechanic for the game is below), the only time it is needed is to use the healing (skill) that spends 30 mana, which by the way I practically do not use, since in high level hunts the risk of death is high and I end up using only health potions.


There are currently two skills at level 2/3 for Furious, namely Barrier of magic / level 2, and Attack speed level 2 (I believe that with these new spells, the third level of these two skills will be added)

 Enough nonsense, let's go to the 3 skill suggestions I thought

 1 - Swap the mana bar for a fury bar (nothing more fair to honor the name of the Furious class)

 How would this new bar work? 

>>>The bar would be filled every 4 seconds (same time as Life and Mana regeneration) for between 5 and 10% of total fury 

>>>With the addition of a new mechanic to the Fury bar, with each basic attack performed, the damage would be converted to Fury, so there are three ways to fill the fury: Attacking targets, Filling every 4 seconds, and using potions.

 Important note: Healing magic level 30 would start using fury, just like the Weapon / Magic Barrier (these are currently the only three spells that use mana), mystical boots would recover Fury instead of mana, and new Fury potions would be added to npcs (same amount of a mana potion for example).

2 - As mentioned later, I believe that the new spells would be: One more magic buff (level 3 magic barrier) and one more attack speed buff (level 3 adrenaline).

>>>About the attack speed, I believe it would be a level 250+ spell with 75% attack speed, so, with the new Fury system, these new spells would have a VERY high Fury cost, something around 80-90% of the total fury [at the level where you acquired the skill, and after that the cost will still be quite high, but fair] ).

3 - New features for existing skills 

>>>Example: when reaching maximum fury, (or a certain value), your next damage spell (Exori or Enrage) would be fortified and your damage and area increased. When the fury is not complete the attack would be used on its current damage and size, I believe that this mechanic would be very interesting, and would bring that essence of "Fury" that is missing in the Furious class

Summary for better understanding: 

>>>Change from Mana to Fury.

 >>>Fury gained when executing attacks, using potions. 

>>>Skills upgrade upon reaching full fury (or a certain value).

PS: And PLEASE increases the hit constancy of the furious,  I can't stand keep performing 200-300 damage  :(

{End of the suggestion}

 I hope you managed to get my idea and I would like to know your opinions about, 


Si eres un guerrero de más de 300, debes saber que la mayoría de los tanques usan el ataque en su equipo, los guerreros hacen más daño en Retorno que los Furiosos en ataque básico.

Antes de la actualización, prácticamente nadie jugaba a Furious, les puedo garantizar eso porque tengo un nivel 300+, y el ajuste de vida fue más que justo porque es una clase cuerpo a cuerpo.

Y finalmente, la función del guerrero es ser un "escudo de carne" hay otras funciones que son exactamente para compensar esta falta de daño.

Maybe the ice rune did some slow, something like 1s-2s, or also the runes of fire and ice, would do the damage and the next attack of the same element would be fortified

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Hello, I saw an idea of great fire ball rune and would like to complement

Runes that I would find interesting and that would match the kakele mechanics:

Great Fireball Rune: 3x3 area with damage based on 40% of your magic level (note that it would not be a rune with high damage, it would be a spell rotation option)

Great Icicle rune: Same stats, same area, same damage.

Inflict poison rune: applies the poison effect to the target for 5-10 seconds, based on 50% of the magic level

Magic defense breaker rune: 2x2 area, applies the magic defense break effect for 5 seconds that decreases magic defense by 15-35-50% (there could be several "levels" of this rune, each with a stronger effect)

Physical defense breaker rune: single target rune, applies the physical defense breaking effect for 10 seconds which decreases the armor of target by 20-50-90%

Inflict burn rune: apply the burning effect in a 2x2 area for 5-10 seconds, based on 30% of the magic level

Realize that all percentages used are from my perception of "balance", and that these values could be higher or lower.

Topics that would help in this new system (if it happens)

1- It would be a consumable item, with one charge per use and with 20/40 items per stack

2-When used without a target, it would be used on itself (like the hunter’s explosive arrow), and would be thrown when there is a target, with the exception of single target runes that would only be used on a enemy.

3-It would be nice to have an NPC selling these runes and / or spells to make them manually.

4-All runes would have a level needed to be used, so a rune that decreases 90% of physical defense for example, would only be used at level 250+ (fictitious values)

Anyway, I would like to know if it is a good idea and complements are welcome to improve that idea.

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Topics that would help in this new system (if it happens)

1- It would be a consumable item, with one charge per use and with 20/40 items per stack

2-When used without a target, it would be used on itself (like the hunter’s explosive arrow), and would be thrown when there is a target.

3-It would be nice to have an NPC selling these runes and / or spells to make them manually.

In my opinion this skill should be for all classes, avoiding impartiality.

In my view, it would only change the fact that it does not take damage from magical auto attacks, just as the warrior takes 0 physical damage, the Furious would be the opposite, taking 0 damage from any magic damage

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In my opinion, Furious should be immune to damage from basic attacks (the magic damage taked from melee basic attacks) as it is with skill magic damage. An example is the new Angel monster, which deal a very high basic magic hit(even with the 100% magic immunity skill active, the damage from these attacks is still received).

Furious should be immune to ALL kinds of magical attacks, be it basic attacks or abilities and even that white fires left in Void's death. (it would be nice if you could step on the fire without taking 1000 damage, would help a lot).

I believe that this change would only impact the game's PvE, since it wouldn't change much in PvP.

just click on the sword and the on "More" ;)